Service provider according to § 5 TMG:
Hannover Rück Stiftung
Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50 30625 Hannover Germany Tel.: +49 511-5604-0 Email: Represented by the Foundation Board: Jean-Jacques Henchoz Thorsten Steinmann Olaf Brock The Hannover Re Foundation is a foundation under civil law with legal capacity with its registered office in Lower Saxony.
The foundation supervisory authority pursuant to the Lower Saxony Foundation Act (NStiftG) is:
Amt für regionale Landesentwicklung Leine-Weser
Stiftungsaufsicht Bahnhofsplatz 3 – 4 31134 Hildesheim Germany
Responsible for the content:
Jean-Jacques Henchoz
Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50 30625 Hannover Germany
Hannover Rück SE © 2024